‘It’s the church or it’s lights out.’

I ran across this passage from Bill Hybels' book Courageous Leadership. After I read it, all I could think was, "Yes!" I believe that only one power exists on this sorry planet that can [truly ....

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We’re not thinking big enough: Five reasons we don’t ask God for HUGE things

Several themes have been emerging in my life lately. One predominant focus is this: I'm not thinking big enough for God. Our pastor spoke about this recently, and it's come up several times in conversations ....

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Church Marketing: Don’t try to sell a free gift

So often, I find myself trying to "sell" people on Christianity. The benefits are great, I tell them. [Insert maniacal car dealer voice here and add wild hand gestures] With the FREE acceptance of Christ's ....

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Church Marketing: Kids are a solid investment

I am amazed at the amount of resources -- time and effort -- our church devotes summer activities for children. Preschool camp. Fine arts camp. Sports camp. Fishing. Skating. Youth activities. Missions. The list goes ....

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