New Year’s Resolution #4: Use your best Kingdom-building tool

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2013, the year you can make your biggest impact on God’s kingdom.

God has equipped us with all we need to work toward building His kingdom.

He has given us the incomparable power of the Holy Spirit.

And he has given each of us the uniqueness of our own individual experiences — our witness.

Beginning today, January 1, 2013, I encourage you to actively seek opportunities to share your story.

Tell people how God has worked in your life. Show them how you’ve changed.

We’re all still works in progress, but those who are lost can see us and know that change, forgiveness, and grace are possible.

Our prayer is that your eyes will be open to awesome church marketing, church outreach, and church ministry opportunities.

Our prayer is that God will work in mighty ways through you in 2013.

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