The in-between day

“Low in the grave He lay –

Jesus my Savior.

waiting the coming day –

Jesus my Lord”

We all know what happens the next day.

“HE AROSE!!! With a mighty triumph o’er His foes!!!”

Christ Arose – Robert Lowry

That truth is the basis for our faith. Without it we have nothing. In the past I have always paid heed to Good Friday and skipped on to the glory of Easter Sunday. This year I had a revelation. There is a whole day that I have never pondered. This day. Our Saturday.

Jesus had died the day before and His followers were scared. They were sad and didn’t know what to do next. Their master had endured unspeakable torture. What would they do now? Were they outlaws? How could life ever be the same again?

You know that feeling when something terrible has happened the day before? After you finally go to sleep, you awake to a feeling of ignorant bliss.

A new day.

But something is not right.

Then the feeling hits you like a punch in the face.  You remember the events of the previous day and the devastation sets in again.

I feel a touch of that today and I know that He is alive, risen and living in me. But there is that day. That “in-between” His loved ones had to experience before they saw the risen Lord.

I encourage you to feel it just a little. I am fairly certain tomorrow will be even more precious to me. It certainly has made me love Jesus even more. It has humbled me.  Because He loved me and you and the whole ugly human race, He sacrificed.  I am the reason He remained silent for a day.

 Written by a not-so-guest blogger, Corinn Eckert




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