Salvation. Stagnation. Restoration.

Think about when you were first saved.

Or think about when you rededicated your life to Christ.

Remember how it felt?

You were bold.

You were on fire for God.

You couldn’t read the Bible enough.

You couldn’t pray enough.

You tuned your car radio to all Christian stations.

You went to church three times a week.

You were involved in a Bible study.

You worked in a soup kitchen.

You sang in the choir.

You raised your hands in worship.

You knocked on doors.

You served.

You tithed.

You told everyone who would listen — and those who wouldn’t — about your relationship with Christ!

Are you there today?

Or are you stagnant?

Have you let sin and complacency take over?


It’s okay.

Take a deep breath.

Pray for your fire to be reingited.

Pray for renewal and restoration.

With all your heart, and with the humility of the prodigal son, pray Psalm 51:10-12

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”

Did you see that at the end?

The salvation is still there.

You just need to find the joy in it again.

5 thoughts on “Salvation. Stagnation. Restoration.

  1. This is my prayer… way too often. I wish it wasn’t so, but grateful that God’s always ready for me!

  2. God has helped me make a major decision I pray I can have a pure heart again and all my anger and frustration have gone by the wayside now I can focus on the positive and be oh so thankful

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