The Tale of Pete and Repeat

“Pete and Repeat were sitting on a fence. Pete jumped off and who was left?”


“Pete and Repeat were sitting on a fence. Pete jumped off and who was left?”


“Pete and …..

You get the point.

Do you ever feel like you say something over and over and over again and people still don’t hear it? Or they don’t get it?

Sometimes you need to saturate the market with your message.

For example, if you’re having a week devoted to community missions, and it’s imperative that everyone takes part, then you need to saturate the market with the missions message. Sometimes for many weeks prior. During announcement time. As part of the sermon. Sing about it. Find scriptures focused on it.

Sometimes you need to be blunt.

Sure, some people might rebel and say they’re tired of hearing it. But if they hear it and they rebel….well, that’s on them.

In the Church, there are important messages — like salvation and baptism and giving and ministry — that need to be shared. Over and over. And often.

The most important message we can share is the Good News of Christ.

That’s something definitely worth repeating.

How do you work to make sure the message is heard?


Eric Eckert, the owner of Hands and Feet Marketing, has 15 years of professional communications, marketing, and public relations experience. Contact Eric today to learn how he can help you rethink and refresh your church marketing strategies and impact God’s kingdom with a focus on ministry and outreach.

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