Church Marketing: Put it in Writing

Yesterday morning I was reading the opening verses in the Gospel of John. Beautiful verses. Powerful. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was ....

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Church Marketing plans and the power of NO!

Think of your church marketing plan like your budget. Before putting pen to paper, you pray, seek God's vision for the church, establish goals, set your calendar. With your church's vision, mission, goals and calendar ....

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Dadgummit, Baptists sure talk weird!

I didn't grow up in a Baptist household. So when I started hanging around Baptists -- and then married one -- I was introduced to a new vocabulary. Interesting words like dadgum and pea-picker made their debut in my ....

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16 ways to market the church today

Don't just write "Happy Birthday" on your friend's Facebook page. Call her! Feed someone. Organize a Bible study. Leave a 50% tip. Help someone with a chore. Write a thank you note. Send it through the ....

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Get real!

What are some of the things we ask of politicians? Truth Honesty Transparency A straight answer No spin God wants the same thing from us. He knows how we feel and what we think anyway. ....

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Church Marketing: Important questions we fail to ask

We rejoice when people join the church. We're thrilled that they choose us over all of the other churches in the community. We celebrate the expansion of the family. It's exciting! But do we ever ....

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Church Marketing: How to ‘control the message’

In today's world of rumor mills, lightning-fast communications and electronic resources, you probably should think carefully about trying to hold tight to any major announcements for the long term. It's a challenge, especially if more ....

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