What do Moses and Mark McGwire have in common?

Have you ever put faith in a person?

If so, did that person let you down?

I’ve let people down. I’ve failed. As a husband. As a father. As a son. As a friend.

Unfortunately, despite my hopes and prayers to stay the course, I will continue to fail. So might you.

No matter their position, their amount of wealth, their influence, their authority, their political power, humans — all of them — will fail.

How many promising politicians have turned into punchlines? How many amazing athletes have proved to be on steroids? Recently, a four-star general and CIA director has fallen because of infidelity. An historic career has been overshadowed by the scandal. The man who created a much beloved children’s icon — Elmo — is now disgraced and accused of having sex with underaged victims.

Even our heroes of the Bible were terribly unreliable at times. David was an adulterer and a murderer. Paul persecuted Christians. Moses killed a man. Thomas doubted. James didn’t believe. Peter rebuked Christ — to His face! — then later denied Him.

There’s only one Rock on Whom to cling. That’s Jesus. If we put our faith in Him, He will never let us down. He will always be there for us. He will always point us in the right direction. He will always be truthful. He will always be faithful.

Do you believe that?

If so, tell others about Him. People need to know.

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