I think I’ve been lying to people

We moved our family of five from our home in Missouri to Texas two years ago so I could take a marketing job at an incredible university.

For two years people have asked me: “So what brought you to Texas?”

And then I lie to them.

I say: “A job.”

Yes, I have a very good job. Yes, the job was the thing that made it possible to move to Texas.

But that’s not the best answer.

The proper, most truthful response is: “God’s answered prayer.”

You see, the job and the move to Texas were answers to more than a year’s worth of prayers.

It still amazes me to see how God paved the road for us to get here. Everything seemed to fall right into place — from job and salary to living arrangements and finding a wonderful church. And even the things that were challenging — in hindsight — were the best things to happen to us because our family grew in our reliance on God’s provision.

1 Peter 3:15 says:

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

It’s so easy to grow complacent and forget how God answered prayers. It’s easy for us give credit to something or someone else when it was clearly God working all along.

My prayer for myself is that I will, from here on out, be able to tell people that I’m where I am because of answered prayer.

Then the focus of the conversation is on God, not my job.

The conversation is now centered on my story of how God worked in my life.

And now the conversation has turned from a run-of-the-mill Q&A to a church marketing opportunity to share the story of God’s love.

How can you share your story this week?


Do you have a church marketing challenge? Contact Hands and Feet Marketing today for a free consultation.

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