My New Year resolutions
Today, we celebrate the dawning of a new year. 2014 is a blank slate. How are you going to fill it? I've heard several people bash the idea of making New Years resolutions -- mostly ....
Today, we celebrate the dawning of a new year. 2014 is a blank slate. How are you going to fill it? I've heard several people bash the idea of making New Years resolutions -- mostly ....
All of your praying and planning for Christmas comes down to this day and this night. Tonight, you're having your Christmas Eve service. People you've never seen before are going to be there. Some are ....
Take time on this Veterans Day to honor those men and women who have sacrificed and served in the armed forces. Here are a few suggestions: Participate in a local Veterans Day service today. Call a veteran you ....
I hear people complain that the big retail stores are already geared up for Christmas. A few weeks ago, people were saying: "The stores are already putting out Christmas stuff but we still haven't been through Halloween ....
Several years ago, I was helping out in a kids class at church. The lead teacher had the kids go around to each adult in the class and ask them a series of questions, including ....
Our church, First Baptist of Temple, Texas, hosts an incredible Trunk or Treat each Halloween. Last year, more than 1,200 people from the community attended, and I believe it's a model of how a Trunk ....
"Low in the grave He lay - Jesus my Savior. waiting the coming day - Jesus my Lord" (more…)
Recently, I participated in a new ministry (for me). Our family and a friend from our Sunday School class went to a senior care facility in town. We took handmade valentines and Hershey's Kisses to ....
Merry Christmas to you all. The fact that you read this blog has been a tremendous gift to Corinn and me. We pray you all have a wonderful Christmas and embrace the true meaning of ....
It's an exciting time. It's time to celebrate the birth of Jesus, Our Savior. It's also a time to celebrate family. But Christmas Eve this year is a little bittersweet. It's a little sad. In ....